4 benefits watermelon can do to my skin

1) Hydrates Skin Dehydrated skin can lead to a dull and dry appearance, but watermelon has such a high water content that it helps to keep the skin hydrated and moisturised. This can help to keep your skin supple and looking great.

2) Acts As A Skin Toner Watermelon contains a natural substance that helps to shrink body tissues. This essentially means that watermelon is a natural toner that can help to refresh the skin.

3) Prevents Skin From Ageing As we get older our skin becomes thinner and less able to recover from damage. Our body is full of ‘free radicals’ that damage cells over time and can attributed to the cause of aging skin. Watermelon is full of antioxidants such as lycope

4) Prevents Oil Production In Skin Sebaceous glands secrete oil that can be troublesome for keeping skin clear. Watermelon is packed with Vitamin A, reducing skin pore size and the amount of oil that your sebaceous glands secrete. Watermelon is believed to help with acne due to this these properties.

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